Friday, 20 July 2012

Blorscht is real!


Hi everyone!  (Everyone being just me...and maybe Erin once she sees this link posted on her Facebook wall...)

It's finally here!  Blorscht!  It is looking a bit rough right now since I have absolutely no computer skillz, but hopefully soon enough we will have this baby looking beautiful.  I tried to create some sort of header in MS Paint but it turns out that program is the worst.  Or I am the worst at using it.  The latter being more likely.

Anyway, this blog will be the best.  I promise.  There will be words crafts?  Hopefully crafts.  And recipes!  And...maybe Erin will show off her wedding planning skills!  But maybe not.  Who knows??!  Not me.  

Hopefully soon Erin will accept my request to be co-author and she will have something to write as well.  If not, unfortunately you're stuck with me.  Well, I will be stuck with writing a blog alone that will be read exclusively by me.  That doesn't sound very fun.

That seems like a reasonable length for a first post, right?  Especially since no one is reading this.  If you ARE reading this, I am so sorry.  




  1. yessss
    this is the closest i'm going to get to people being back on livejournal haha
    maybe i should get one..
    maybe i should stop emailing links and such incessently and do this instead...
    oooor just stick with the endless emails :D
    (i CUOLD spell check this for the sake of incessently, buuut i'm not)

  2. It is basically livejournal but with less teen angst.

  3. but not so convenient with the read-all-in-one aspect
    ... i might just be really lazy hahaha
